Self care

Anxiety & Grief

Anxiety & Grief

Anxiety on the other hand, for me, is scary and spiky. Pointy and sharp in most areas and really high and steep in others. Like a rollercoaster (which I do not like) with very uncomfortable seat backs that dig into my spine and backs of my legs.

And like old friends can do, anxiety and I are going on 15 years together, it reminds me what is and isn’t for me. Even when the way they say it can be annoying and predictable, they mean well.

Anxiety and grief know me and I know them. Sometimes they walk hand in hand. Sometimes they jump out of the bushes alone.

Taking Time & Asking the Questions

Taking Time & Asking the Questions

I fundamentally stand for taking time to be alone. And, I am unapologetic about my desire for luxurious getaways. I worked my ass off in the service industry (restaurants, hotels and catering) and developed a strong gift for anticipating and meeting the needs of others, and I am all for doing what I need to get mine met.

I previously broke down how to take time in a way that really maximizes the experience of getting away to think, breathe and plan. Here are a few of the key questions I ask myself in advance and while on my getaways.


Last night I replied to friend’s post of their local night out with, “Please, please, please be safe.” Love wrapped in judgement.

I’m certain their post was coming from a place of love and support for our local community and service-based industries being hit hard by what’s happening.

Fuck me very much.

We are all doing our best, trying to make the best decisions we can with the information we have.

Taking Time the Annie Way

Wanna know what the least selfish thing you can do is? Take a solo getaway.

I’m presently stationed at Sarabande Bed & Breakfast in the glorious village of Los Ranchos situated within the city boundaries of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Yes, this little village is inside of Burque, just twenty minutes from the airport and fifteen from downtown.