Don’t Stress

My 1:30 AM weird hotel dinner, purchased with a generous $2 gift from a woman I met in line, stuck.

My 1:30 AM weird hotel dinner, purchased with a generous $2 gift from a woman I met in line, stuck.

All you can do is what you can do.


If you follow me on social media you probably saw the travel insanity I experienced last week up until yesterday afternoon.

Flights upon flights upon flights were delayed, cancelled, rescheduled, delayed and cancelled some more. I was sleeping in airports, eating bribe pizza (JetBlue, we’re still not all the way good), sleeping in weird hotels in Dallas (thanks American Airlines) and celebrating birthdays, life and music with loved ones when I’d find myself in the right places...eventually.

I got home yesterday afternoon (only 15 hours late) and presented at a workshop in Santa Fe this morning. As I was driving home a bit ago the tiredness really settled into my body.

Goals schmoals, sometimes

I was thinking a lot about the goals I’m working on right now and how for 11 days straight they’ve been more than mildly impacted by all. of. the. things.

I’m a week behind on my Clarity Pages, meditation is basically nil, my nutrition is BONKERS, I’m under hydrated, under slept, and under exercised, but most most most importantly, I’m truly filled with joy.

For the first time in years, I‘m not overwhelmed with anxiety as a result of not doing the things I’m trying to do. My travel shenanigans were taken in joyful stride because it’s all I could do.

I received so many messages of support, concern and laughter and all I could think and say was, “It’s fine, really. I’m fine.” Because it and I really were.

plans schmans

The whole experience was the journey I was meant to take. Yes, after a 13 1/2 road trip with Matt I planned to fly to New York and land Thursday morning, take my time prepping for my beloved friend’s 40th birthday party, spend time with other loved ones, and generally replenish myself with the city that I love the most.

But nope. It’s not what was in the cards for me.

I arrived at 1am Saturday with a quick turnaround at 6pm Sunday. I then sat on the runway at LGA for 3 1/2 hours in a hot and humid airplane (they had misters going like we were in Las Vegas or something, it was weird).

About 900,000 other things went awry — one after another after another. was all good.

How you react = how you feel

This morning I held a powerful workshop for WOC in the Nonprofit Sector and feel so many things. Most importantly though, profound gratitude for being in a position just one year after leaving my nonprofit job to hold space for women who were my colleagues not long ago. And to be immediately provided with glowing feedback. I started crying when I read their words.

I’m reminded how important it is to simply be.

To simply show up.

Be present.

Enjoy all the moments.

Don’t stress over things outside your control.

Truly, enjoy the journey. Because it’s yours and only yours. Don’t miss it because you were distracted by something you weren’t meant to be experiencing anyway.