Subtlety & Nuance

There’s something about how we show up in our daily lives with the people we know, love, work with, meet, bump into, reconnect with, and see once and will never see again.

Something subtle and nuanced.

Like, if someone else was watching you move through your day like a movie — what would they say about you? What would they think? What would they feel? How would they describe you to a friend?

I’m in the middle of an ongoing conversation with someone about the words we choose to describe things.

Are the words you’re choosing conveying what you mean?

Are the sentences you string together telling the story you want to tell in the way you want to tell it?

I think it was my teacher Chanti Tacaronte-Perez (@yantrawisdom on IG) who said something about wishing there was a way to beam the feeling in her body to convey what she meant instead of having to find the words.

We’re so limited by the language that we speak — and English feels to me like the most limiting.

What do you value? What are your priorities? What agreements do you need with others (and yourself)?

What if the beautiful nuance of what you value, personally prioritize, and need from others to feel safe and comfortable expressing and being yourself could be conveyed in ways beyond words?

What if you could beam your feelings and needs to another person without ever needing to use words?

What if others could convey what they care about, love, are focused on right now, and what they need from you through some means beyond words?

I think this would be so cool because the subtleties of who you are can’t always be explained.

The ways in which you are uniquely human and capable of changing lives can’t always be explained.

But it can be felt.

In business, there’s such an emphasis on the perfect words, tagline, caption, and sound bite that will capture attention.

But what if we don’t need to capture but set free?

What if freeing yourself from needing things to be a certain perfect way could help you get to where you want to be?

Idk, it’s certainly antithetical to what we’re taught but what we’ve been taught for decades doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the right, best or only way.

Big love…

I’ve been doing a daily drawing inspired by Wendy MacNaghton.

Today, lines.