Here’s My Plan
A goal is just a “would be nice” with a plan.
~Annie Sanchez to herself all the time
On my run yesterday morning I was thinking a lot about my goals for the month of June (I can’t believe it’s already June 9! WTF) and what I have to do to make them happen. I was also thinking about all the goal stuff I’ve been talking about with my community.
If you are on my email list, you saw my newsletter go out Monday. The whole thing was rooted in goals. I also shared what my goals are for June — my no more later-ing, I’m-making-this-shit-happen-goals.
I also recently created a bunch of new goal-related content that’s intended to support you, dear one, with getting yours! I want so badly for you, me and all our loved ones to be living the lives that we want…for once and for all.
Have you seen all my offerings this month?
Free 30-minute, on-demand virtual workshop on setting goals. Available for free until 6/15, then it goes up to $25.
Free Goal Getting printable from Clarity Pages. Sells for $25, available for free until 6/15.
60-minute live, virtual workshop on how to follow through with your goals coming up one week from today on 6/16. Today, 6/9, you can register for $9 then it goes up to $40!
3-hour in person workshop in the glorious village of Los Ranchos on 6/29. This luxurious, self care experience is $100.
Coming soon…a 5 day virtual goal getting challenge (you heard it here first!). This will be $25 for 5 days of support.
I’ve been busy! 😅
So what do you really want?
There is no reason at all why having what you want isn’t possible.
What do you really, really want though? This is a big and not so simple question to answer.
You can’t just arbitrarily pick goals. You really can’t. You’ll never get them and will create a habit of letting yourself down for not getting them. But don’t feel bad, they were arbitrary in the first place so no wonder you gave up.
Instead, I’m all about creating truly meaningful goals that I’m/you’re really going to commit to and achieve.
I’m talking about the heart-centered, hot ass fire under you, makes your heart flutter and mind wander with excitement kind of goals. The kind that will change your life.
Yes, we also need smaller, more quickly attainable goals that feel awesome when we get them sooner than we expected. For sure we need these. And I have some on my roadmap.
But for the others that will exponentially shift lives — bring real money into my bank account; allow me to send my niece and nephews to the school they want to go to and deserve to attend just like all the rich white kids that go there; provide me with the kind of other-level business support I’m craving; bring joy, laughter and love into my life in new ways — these are the kinds of goals that require care and attention to create.
unveil for the sake of getting shit done
I’ve decided that I’m going public with my goals for this month for a couple reasons:
The more public I am with what I’m doing in my life, the greater sense of accountability I feel to myself because of watching 👀.
I want you to see my approach because it may help you with yours which would bring me joy to no end!
I want to get all this stuff done!
So here it goes, these are my June 2019 goals…big and bold, but totally within the realm of possibility.
My June goals
Lots of laughter (I have plenty of giggles, but rare cheeks hurt, belly laughter)
Quality sleep (I have struggled with this for a loooong time and I’m over it)
3 new badass clients (this is an ongoing monthly goal)
Be love, get love (I want to show up more lovingly during the in betweens — at the grocery store, in traffic — and plant love that comes back to me too)
Increase business revenue to $10k (would be my biggest month ever, ever)
Hire business/finance coach at $5k (I know so little about this stuff, even though I’ve been researching the last few years — ready for other-level help)
Read two books (this is an ongoing monthly goal)
Here’s my plan
Rather than typing it all out yet again, below is a screenshot of my Microsoft OneNote Personal Goals planning note…I also use Clarity Pages but, full disclosure, I haven’t been for the last 2-3 weeks. When I went to New York in May, I wasn’t journaling because I was sleeping on someone’s couch, playing with all my girlfriends’ babies, and drinking more wine than usual.
I plan to set up my next 13 week journal beginning July 1 so I can tackle the two remaining quarters of 2019 like 💃🏽.
it’s time to have what you want
What are you working toward? I would looooove to know.
It can’t be overstated how important it is that you are working on things that matter to you. Because really, fuck the shit that doesn’t.