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Air & Earth Business Retreat

Air & Earth: a Business Retreat for Coaches & Healers

You just want to help people.

You're swimming in ideas, unsure which way to go next.

Your bottom line is not like theirs.

Inviting wisdom from the elements, clarify your next 3 key business moves.

Business strategy does not have to be overwhelming. 

Inviting the wisdom of air and earth, the natural strategists, clarify your ideas and ground yourself in your next business moves — big or small. 

Air wants us to think & intellectualize.

Earth wants us to focus & stabilize.

Once you know how to do this, every time you're not quite sure which direction to go, air and earth will be there to guide you.

At this one-of-a-kind business retreat, you will get:


Day 1: Clarity

March 31st 12:30-2:30pm ET


Day 2: Focus

April 1st 12:30-2:30pm ET


A Roadmap


Bonus Day 3: Money Questions Answered!

April 2nd 12:30-2:30pm ET

A bonus third day where you can ask all your business money questions!

Julianna Silva is the CEO of Silva Strategies, a bookkeeping and financial coaching company. She's also a certified business advisor and entrepreneur with more than 20 years experience in service and product-based business ownership.

No questions are off the table, bring your coffee and *finance questions on day 3!


Bonus Day 4: Legal
Questions Answered!

April 5th 12:30-1:30pm ET

A bonus fouth day where you can ask all your business legal questions!

Liku T. Amadi, Esq. is the Founder of Anasa Law Firm, California-based law firm. Liku is a Bay Area native and business attorney who helps coaches and consultants establish a solid legal foundation through custom contracts.

She makes it a point to educate her clients on the what and why behind legal services to empower them to make legally informed business decisions and control the dynamics of their business relationships. she is a proud boy mom and champion of Black women.

No questions are off the table, bring your coffee and *legal questions on day 4!

All sessions will be available as a replay to registered attendees.
If you’re a member of the WOC Culture Club, register in our portal to access special discount.
*Not financial or legal
advice, but you will get your questions answered.

You are a service-based coach, healer, guide or consultant.

You love your work and clients, and just want to help people all the time.

You probably didn't expect to have to be a "business person" too. 

The truth is, to be devoted to our work and clients, understanding how to strategize is essential to our emotional anchors. 

When your livelihood is wrapped up inside your sacred calling, shit gets real (and scary if we're being honest). 

Understanding how to strategize your next moves at any stage of business (or life for that matter), you will be equipped with power that engenders ease, calm, and inspiration.

You will receive:

  • Actual hands-on strategic thought partnership on your business

  • Space and time to sort out your ideas

  • Time to clarify what's most alive for you right now

  • Guidance for honing in on your next 3 key moves

You will leave with:

  • Clarity about what you're doing for the timeframe defined by you. Without this kind of clarity, you run the risk of everything — not making money to pay yourself or your assistant, for the systems that run your business — and having to return to the dreaded 9-5.

  • Focus on what is most exciting, alive and doable for you now. You will be clear and focused on what you're doing and how you'll do it.

  • A roadmap for the business moves you will make during the timeframe defined by you on day 1. You will come up with a personalized plan you can run with the second you log off of on day 2.

  • Answers to your *finance questions.

  • Answers to your *legal questions.

You will feel calm & focused.

You can bang out a to-do list, and it's gotten you here. But it won't get you there.

The truth is, you will never have certainty in business, but you can have clarity.

  • You can have clarity if you are intentional.

  • You can feel calm if you are strategic.

  • You can be at ease if you know what you're doing, why you're doing it, and how you're going to do it.

Your Guides

I’m Annie Sanchez

I'm a heart-centered, process-oriented business strategist and life coach. A futurist and activator at my very core. 

I'm the great granddaughter, granddaughter and daughter of business owners before entrepreneur was a word in our vocab. My ancestors sewed the seeds for me to be and grow here.

What has my approach to business strategy done for me?

  • Led to nearly $250k in three years and I’m just getting started

  • Anchors my decisions around which clients & projects not to take

  • Hones in on my best ideas when I'm swimming in many

  • Guides my approach to all the projects and offerings I develop

I’m Julianna Silva

As an entrepreneur and business consultant, I empower and teach traditionally-unheralded entrepreneurs to understand and implement key practices in their businesses so they can confidently build thriving livelihoods.

I am a bookkeeper and financial coach, certified business advisor, and entrepreneur with more than 20 years experience in service and product-based business ownership.

I’m Liku T. Amadi, Esq.

I’m a Bay Area native and CA business attorney. I help coaches and consultants establish a solid legal foundation through custom contracts.

I make it a point to educate my clients on the what and why behind legal services to empower them to make legally informed business decisions and control the dynamics of their business relationships. I’m a proud boy mom and champion of Black women.


Day 1: Thursday, March 31 @ 12:30-2:30pm ET
Day 2: Friday, April 1 @ 12:30-2:30pm ET
Bonus: Saturday, April 2 @ 12:30-2:30pm ET — Finance* Q & A
Bonus: Tuesday, April 5 @ 12:30-1:30pm ET — Legal* Q & A


Replay will be made available to registered participants.

If you’re a member of the WOC Culture Club, register in our portal to access special discount.
*Not financial or legal
advice, but you will get your questions answered.


What is the structure of the retreat? 

We will meet over Zoom for a total of four hours over two days.

This is a live, hands-on retreat where you will get personal attention. You will also be given space and time to think, work, and ask questions. The replay will be available to registered attendees only.

Why is it only $695?

My mission is to help people do what they're here to do. These are unprecedented times, and people need what you do. 

As healers and guides, we each have a responsibility to make our gifts accessible. My five-figure coaching is not accesssible to many, but this is.
I'm not incorporated yet, does that matter?

Nope. When I was starting out, this is the exact get-it-figured-out kind of support I craved. This space can help you figure out what your next moves are.

I'm a seasoned entrepreneur, how can this help me?

It can be a dedicated time and space for you to focus on your next three moves. 

If you're like me, you love being able to show up and have someone do for you what you do for others.

If you’re a member of the WOC Culture Club, register in our portal to access special discount.