Mariposa Strategies

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It's such a vivrant thing

Vivrant thing, a vivrant thing


A quick offering to try with me right now (or when you have 5 minutes) that has the potential to unlock massive momentum for you.

Ask yourself 3 questions in a specific order:

1. Where does possibility live inside of me?

  • Close your eyes for 5 breaths and see if you can find the spot in your body where it lives.

    • HINT: it's where you feel excitement, internal flutters, sparks of inspiration, ideas

  • Notice the sensation

    • Does it tingle? Does it surge? Does it vibrate? Does it pulsate?

2. When was the last time I believed something was possible?

  • Recall what that something was and how far-fetched it was.

  • Recall whether it happened or not...and WHY.

    • Write down what you did.

    • Write down what you could have done differently.

3. How willing am I to commit to what's possible for me in 2023?

  • Write down 3 things;

    • Everything I want is on the other side of what challenges me.

    • What I want in 2023 is to {feel/have/be/experience/let go of/bring in} __________.

    • I am committing myself to this by taking these two actions by the end of October:

      • Tell someone I trust what I want in 2023, even if I'm scared to say it out loud.

      • Find at least 3 people who might be able to help me and schedule calls with them because I don't want to nor do I have to figure out every step alone.

Tonight when you're going to sleep:

  1. Feel in you body where possibility lives ...

  2. Bring to mind what you want in 2023...

  3. Then, say to yourself: What is possible for me is literally on the other side of the actions I take.

If you could use some vibrant energy, give this a listen.

If you need someone to tell your dream to, I'm here.

Big love,